"Border Patrol made almost 2 million arrests last year the most in history. Sound Borders are essential to a safe nation. The attached communication demands answers @icegov @repbencline bit.ly/34z1OLw"Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Jeff Fortenberry:
"#ServingNebraska #FortGetsItDone"Read on Twitter
"US Special Forces successful mission resulted in the death of an ISIS leader, a key architect in the #genocide that targeted #Yazidis. I hope this victory can provide Lincolns Yazidi community a moment of solace as their fight for justice continues."Read on Twitter
"WWII Hero of the Solomons" Charles Jackson French swam through shark-infested waters, rope attached to his waist, towing a raft of 15 of his wounded shipmates to safety. Last night, I'm so pleased the House passed a bill I sponsored acknowledging his heroic service to our nation" on Feb. 2Read on Twitter