We said goodbye to Deputy Jeff Hermanson and while we are all at a loss for words right now, we can't ever show enough gratitude for everyone that was involved to make this a very special day. A special thank you to the honor guard members that took part in the ceremony and to each law enforcement agency and fire and rescue department that took part in the escort from Fremont to Cedar Bluffs.
We also would like to thank everyone along the route that showed their support and respect for our family of first responders. We are very lucky in Saunders County to have so much support from the public and we are humbled by the outpouring of that support in times like these. Our thoughts and prayers are with Deputy Hermanson's family and friends.
Source: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=pfbid02sCdA4PauakrdNMhd4babJYuDiQ6Z4vZoybNtjyki23B6dvvuGRVCzGmZmQ8rEWb5l&id=100069024495922